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currently unavailable

add yourself to current waitlist for new clients

You've been added!Danielle will contact you for a consultation when there is an opening. You are encouraged to continue your search for a therapist in the meantime.

not available at this time.
Green Leaves

Danielle offers 55 minute individual therapy sessions.

Modalities used throughout sessions mainly depends on each client and their needs. 

Danielle places emphasis on self-compassion and becoming aware of all parts of yourself. 

If you have been in therapy before, or have done your own healing but are ready for some more insight, please contact for a free 15 minute consultation.

Plant Hanger
Living Room with Plants

Danielle runs group therapy for pregnancy, postpartum, and maternal mental health. 

Group duration is typically 60 minutes. 

Please check to see current groups as they may change.

Your life is busy and there are not enough hours in the day.  You can still care for yourself and meet your therapy needs from anywhere that is safe and convenient for you!


Danielle offers virtual therapy throughout New York State.

Typical length is 55 minutes and policies remain the same as in-person individual therapy sessions.

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